
CHF 24.50

MozzyStop – Protects effectively against insects for up to 14 hours. With ingredients against mosquitoes and ticks. Suitable for the whole family (for children from 1 year). Natural protection against insects such as mosquitoes and ticks. Long-lasting protection thanks to patented STAYTEC™ technology. Pleasant skin feel, not sticky or greasy. Dermatologically tested. Contents: 100 ml.

SKU: 209 Category:

MozzyStop works, the mosquitoes stink! Provides effective and skin-friendly protection against insects for up to 14 hours.

Insect repellent with long-lasting effect

Mozzy Stop (“Mozzy” = colloquial for mosquito) provides effective protection against insects for up to 14 hours. The ingredients keep mosquitoes, ticks and other insects away. [loggedin]Mosquito bites and tick bites are not only unpleasant, they can also transmit infectious diseases [/loggedin]

Active ingredients against mosquitoes and ticks

MozzyStop forms a protective scent coating on the skin and thus repels insects. The mosquitoes stink, the humans like it! MozzyStop feels pleasant on the skin, is non-sticky and non-greasy and has a delicate floral fragrance.

MozzyStop does not contain DEET (diethyltoluamide), which is found in many insect repellents, but is inspired by nature. MozzyStop provides reliable protection against mosquitoes, ticks and other insects for up to 14 hours. With its skin-friendly formulation, it is suitable for the whole family.

Protected all day long with MozzyStop – from sunrise to sunset.

The mosquitoes stink, the humans like it!

Insects use natural odours to find their way around. MozzyStop contains two ingredients that send a simple message to insects: Just stay away! [loggedin]The first is the ingredient IR3535®. It is obtained from beta-alanine, a natural amino acid. On the other hand, the geraniol it contains reinforces this repellent effect. Geraniol is a natural fragrance and flavouring substance found in the essential oils of various plants. It smells rose-like with a hint of citrus fruit. [/loggedin]

Environmentally friendly and harmless

A big advantage of MozzyStop is that it protects you without harming your health or the environment. [loggedin]MozzyStop is safe for everyone: from toddlers from the age of 1 to grandparents. MozzyStop has an excellent toxicological and ecotoxicological profile. [/loggedin] It is non-toxic, does not harm the environment, is safe for aquatic organisms such as fish and algae and does not accumulate in the environment. [loggedin]Some repellents also have an insecticidal effect, but this is not the case with IR3535® and geraniol. MozzyStop does not harm insects. [/loggedin]

Up to 14 hours of protection thanks to STAYTEC®

The extra-long-lasting effect is guaranteed thanks to the patented STAYTEC® technology, which is derived from seaweed and mushroom extracts. Many conventional repellents are quickly absorbed by the skin or evaporate in the sun, reducing their effectiveness. Thanks to STAYTEC® technology, however, the effect of MozzyStop lasts a long time. The only restriction: if you take a bath or shower, MozzyStop must be reapplied.

Delayed release

STAYTEC® technology controls the absorption and evaporation of the repellent into the skin, providing long-lasting protection.

Reduced absorption

Thanks to STAYTEC® technology, the penetration of the repellent active ingredient into the skin is limited. The active ingredient is not “wasted”, which increases safety.

Pleasant skin feel

STAYTEC® technology contributes to a pleasant lotion with a skin-neutral pH value. It provides invisible protection that is neither sticky nor greasy.

Effect of STAYTEC® in the video

What makes STAYTEC® special

Advantages of MozzyStop

Effective protection

Our repellent provides effective protection against insect bites and stings for up to 14 hours. MozzyStop is safe, easy to use and effective.

Long-lasting effect

Thanks to the special STAYTEC® technology, the repellent stays on the skin for longer. Absorption and evaporation are prevented. “Keeps our repellent stronger for longer.”

DEET-free and plant-based

Our DEET-free formulation is based on natural ingredients and is inspired by nature.

Dermatologically tested

MozzyStop has undergone two rigorous dermatological tests, both of which were positive. MozzyStop is therefore dermatologically tested.

Pleasant feeling on the skin

Our repellent has a delicate, almost odourless fragrance: you will love it, insects will hate it. It feels pleasant on the skin and is neither sticky nor greasy. MozzyStop is also resistant to perspiration and abrasion (not waterproof).

Suitable for the whole family

Our repellent is suitable for the whole family. Use sparingly on children, not suitable for babies and toddlers under one year of age.

How long does MozzyStop protect?

MozzyStop has been proven to protect against four different types of mosquitoes for up to 14 hours, which is significantly longer than two comparable lotions.

Advantages and disadvantages of different insect repellents

Products with DEETMozzyStop from kingnatureNatural mosquito sprays
EfficiencyLow (3-6h with 15%-25% DEET)High efficiency (14h)Deep, less than 30 minutes
Skin feelOily residuePleasant, neutralOily residue
FragranceStrong chemical fragranceDelicate, almost odourlessStrong odour
ToxicityToxic (biocide)Non-hazardousNon-hazardous
Sensitive skinHighly irritatingHypoallergenicMay be irritating
Absorption20% into the bodyLess than 10%Unknown

Info about MozzyStop

MozzyStop is dermatologically tested. Active ingredients: IR3535® (20%), Geraniol (0.1%). The remaining ingredients are a neutral, skin-friendly base lotion that acts as a carrier substance and utilises the principles of STAYTEC®. It ensures that the active ingredients neither evaporate nor are absorbed by the skin. Net content 100 ml.


Shake well before use. Apply thinly and evenly to the skin. Sweat and abrasion resistant. Reapply after contact with water (bathing, showering, etc.). Apply externally only. If sun cream is used at the same time, apply sun cream first and then MozzyStop.

Made with Love in Switzerland

Swiss Made - Made in Switzerland

Made in Switzerland in Wädenswil on Lake Zurich: MozzyStop is Swiss Made.


MozzyStop contains the active ingredients geraniol and IR3535® = ethyl butyl acetylaminopropionate. IR3535® is derived from beta-alanine, a natural amino acid. IR3535® is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. IR3535® showed the lowest toxicity compared to the substances DEET and Icaridin, which are often used in repellents1. In terms of tick repellence, IR3535® is superior to DEET2.

1 M. Tavares, M. R. da Silva, L. B. de Oliveira de Siqueira, R. A. Rodrigues, L. Bodjolle-d’Almeida, E. P. Dos Santos, E. Ricci-Júnior: Trends in insect repellent formulations: A review. In: International journal of pharmaceutics. Volume 539, Number 1-2, March 2018, pp. 190-209.

2 N. Boulanger, D. Lipsker: [Protection against tick bites]. In: Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie. Volume 142, Number 4, April 2015, pp. 245-251.


MozzyStop is supplied in a practical dispenser (airless pump). The lotion is always protected from air contact and can be dispensed cleanly. When using for the first time, several pumps may be required until the lotion comes out.


Contains geraniol: May cause an allergic reaction. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. First aid: If swallowed or if skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice. In case of eye contact, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove any contact lenses if possible, rinse further and seek medical advice. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place and out of the reach of small children. Protect from direct sunlight. Use sparingly on children, not suitable for infants under one year of age.

Available in your pharmacy/drugstore

MozzyStop is also available in your pharmacy or drugstore [showzones zones=”CH”](Pharmacode 1035235)[/showzones][showzones zones=”DE”](PZN DE 19074544/PZN AT 5804625)[/showzones].

MozzyStop data sheet

You can find a lot of product information in the MozzyStop data sheet.

Studies & articles on IR3535®

  • EPA Efficacy Test Simulation: A lotion containing 20% IR3535® was tested on 5 people with the mosquito species Aedes albopictus. The number of landings on the skin was tested every hour for 30 seconds. On average, the first landing occurred after 13.5 hours (standard deviation of 2.5 hours).
  • In a second study, a lotion containing 20% IR3535® was tested on 10 people with different mosquito species. Every hour, the arm was held in a cage with 55 mosquitoes for 5 minutes until the first bite could be detected.
    • Test with Aedes aegypti (= yellow fever mosquito): No bites occurred up to 14 hours. After 15 hours, 4 out of 10 test subjects were bitten 1-3 times, whereupon the test was terminated.
    • Test with Aedes albopictus (= Asian tiger mosquito): No bites occurred until 13 hours. After 14 hours, 3 out of 10 test subjects were bitten 1-2 times, whereupon the test was terminated.
    • Test with Anopheles aquasalis (= malaria mosquito): No bites occurred up to 13 hours. After 14 hours, 4 out of 10 test subjects were bitten 1-4 times, whereupon the test was terminated.
    • Test with Culex quinquefasciatus (= southern house mosquito): No bites occurred up to 14 hours. After 15 hours, 3 out of 10 test subjects were bitten 1-3 times, whereupon the test was terminated.

Two dermatological tests

MozzyStop was intensively tested for skin irritation in two dermatological tests on a total of 90 test subjects in 2023. The first test was carried out on 40 people with known skin problems, the other on 50 people without skin problems. No allergic reactions were shown in any case, MozzyStop has no irritating or sensitising properties, is “dermatologically tested” and meets the requirements for the “hypoallergenic” declaration.

Test 1: Contact test on sensitive skin

In a 1st test (Semi-Open Patch Test, SPT), 40 test persons (38 women, 2 men) with sensitive skin were tested, among them:
  • 23 people with a history of atopic skin
  • 20 people with documented contact allergy
  • 40 people with undocumented allergy (from medical history)
  • 40 people with skin hypersensitivity to cosmetics, household chemicals and cleaning agents

During the skin test, the test subjects’ skin was in contact with MozzyStop for 48 hours (i.e. an absolutely extreme situation). The skin was examined after 48 hours and again after 72 hours.

Result: In the 40 test subjects, including 40 with existing allergies, no positive reactions were detected either after 48 or 72 hours, which proves that MozzyStop has no irritating or sensitising properties.

Test 2: Repeated allergy test

In an even more elaborate second test (Human Repeat Insult Patch Test, HRIPT), 50 healthy adults (48 women, 2 men), all with normal skin, were tested to determine whether MozzyStop could lead to sensitisation or an allergic reaction. An allergy develops after initial contact with the allergen or occurs on second contact. For this reason, the test subjects’ skin was brought into contact with MozzyStop 3 times a week for 48 hours over a period of 3 weeks. A portion of 0.1 g of the test product was applied to a tissue paper pad and stuck to the skin (inner arms or back). After the 3 weeks, the skin was left to rest for 2 weeks. Finally, the test subjects’ skin was again brought into contact with MozzyStop for 24 hours.

Result: There were no allergic reactions in the 50 test subjects with normal skin, which proves that MozzyStop has no irritating or sensitising properties.


MozzyStop passed both tests without any problems, proving that it has no irritating, sensitising or allergic potential for the skin and is also suitable for sensitive skin. MozzyStop is therefore officially “dermatologically tested” (and approved)!

Toolbox for resellers

For professionals only. This information is not intended to be passed on to end consumers.

Good to know

  • Insect repellent lotion
  • Natural lotion that provides long-lasting protection (up to 14 hours) against insects, mosquitoes and ticks
  • DEET-free and plant-based
  • Suitable for the whole family (infants from 1 year)
  • Airtight packaging (airless pump)
  • Shake well before use, not water-resistant
  • Clinically and dermatologically tested




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