
Coenzymes Q10 and NADH

Coenzymes are an element of enzymes that are not proteinaceous. They help these to accelerate or catalyze various reactions. This happens when coenzymes can bind to enzymes for a certain time.

Coenzymes without a fixed bond are cosubstrates. If it can bind to an enzyme, it belongs to the prosthetic group. Therefore, coenzymes are an active component of the enzyme reaction. Compared to enzymes, prosthetic groups and cosubstrates can change during the course of the reaction. Because of this, a coenzyme must subsequently renew itself.

In redox reactions, coenzymes act as electroacceptors or electrodonors. They are also able to transfer certain chemical phosphate groups to other molecules. Coenzymes or coenzymes help enzymes to accelerate reactions. Here, coenzyme is the name for an umbrella term, as they are divided into prosthetic groups and cosubstrates.

Vitamins are important for the formation of coenzymes

In order for coenzymes to form, the body must take in appropriate vitamins with food. For example, when it comes to the coenzyme NAD+. The formation can only take place if the body takes in enough vitamin B3 or niacinamide. This vitamin is found in mushrooms, peanuts and fish.

FAD or flavin adenine dinucleotide also requires a special vitamin for formation. To ensure this, the human body needs vitamin B2 or riboflavin. It is found in certain foods, for example, whole-grain bread, fish or milk. The coenzyme FAD is important for cellular respiration and thus ensures a smooth metabolism.

Coenzyme Q10 as ubiquinone in Q10 Vida

Without Q10, the body has no energy. Therefore, this coenzyme plays a significant role in the human respiratory chain for physiological function. This is true for people of all ages. Until middle age, the human body is self-sufficient in producing Q10. However, the older we get, the more likely it is that the synthesis of Q10 will decline. This leads to a decrease in the level of Q10 in the organs and in the blood.

If this occurs with increasing age, the administration of coenzyme Q10 can be helpful. However, even in younger people there are situations when the additional intake of Q10 is beneficial. Q10 Vida is available in the form of capsules containing highly patent Q10, namely ubiquinone.

Coenzyme Q10 is found in various foods, such as sardines, liver, nuts, sunflower seeds, legumes, vegetable oils, sesame seeds, potatoes, onions, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts or spinach. However, the fact is that the coenzyme can be eliminated during cooking.

Q10 Vida offers the coenzyme Q10 in its natural form as ubiquinone.

The dietary supplement Q10 is enriched with the original coenzyme Q10 from Kaneka. First, it is fermented and then further processed. The next steps are purification of the raw material with the help of extraction and filtration, followed by crystallization and chromatography. The whole production is natural, which is different from other cheap preparations where Q10 is generated synthetically. This Q10 results from the fermentation of brewer’s yeast.

Q10 Vida is enriched only with Q10 and soy lecithin. Other excipients and additives are not included. The shell of the capsule is purely vegetable.

What is the difference between ubiquinone and ubiquinol?

Ubiquinone is produced in two ways in our body. Ubiquinone is a completely oxidized type of coenzyme Q10, while ubiquinol is the reduced or active type of Q10.

Oxidation means that electrons are given up, reduction means that electrons are taken up. Both types of Q10 are important for energy balance. In order for cells to gain energy, the body must transform ubiquinone into ubiquinol. The blood plasma of healthy people contains over 90 percent Q10 in a reduced form, i.e. ubiquinol.

Ubiquinol in dietary supplements is advantageous because it takes over the transformation into active ubiquinol and is optimally absorbed. The older we get, the less we can transform ubiquinone into ubiquinol. Therefore, the active, reduced form may be especially helpful in older people.

Normally, coenzyme Q10 is processed and offered dry, i.e. as a powder in capsules or tablets. To improve the absorption of Q10 in the intestine, the coenzyme is processed liposomally. The basis for this is soy lecithin. A special sonography process wraps the molecules of the coenzyme into a liposome structure.

Where can Q10 Vida help?

The law defines very precisely which effects the dietary supplement Q10 has. Therefore, no additional statements can be made about it. Nevertheless, there may already be statements on the physiological properties confirmed by science for this purpose. We recommend you to do your own research on the Internet about this.

What are the advantages of Q10 Vida capsules?

each capsule contains 50 milligrams of Q10 as ubiquinone
the Q10 is of natural origin and comes from biofermentative brewer’s yeast
there are no other auxiliary substances or additives in the dietary supplement
the capsules are made of vegetable HPMC
Q10 Vida is vegan
the liposomal form enables optimal absorption of the capsules

What are NADH Vida tablets?

NADH is coenzyme 1, which is involved in the human food chain. It is present in human, animal and plant cells. NADH is a completely natural molecule present in animal and plant foods. If you want to order these tablets, you are choosing a high quality product of excellent quality.

What is the meaning behind NADH?

NADH is an abbreviation for the term Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hybrid. However, since most people find it difficult to pronounce this name, NADH is also known as coenzyme 1. Another name for it is biological hydrogen, since the coenzyme makes hydrogen bioavailable.

The mitochondria in our body are essential for energy production. There, the coenzyme NADH reacts with oxygen that we breathe in. This process results in the formation of the universal energy molecule ATP, which is present in every cell and is an energy store and carrier for the body. Therefore, NADH is important for many metabolic processes. The full name for ATP is adenosine triphosphate.

In this process, ATP takes on the role of a battery. It is constantly being used up and built up again. The daily turnover corresponds to the weight of our body.

Discover all the other benefits of dietary supplements with coenzymes on the website and find out which products are best for you.

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