Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin belongs to important elements of enzymes. These are important for energy metabolism. In addition, vitamin B2 helps the body detoxify various substances such as drugs or alcohol. The natural occurrence of vitamin B2 is in whole grain or dairy products. Furthermore, riboflavin is also used as a coloring agent for food.

What does the human body need vitamin B2 for?

As already mentioned, vitamin B2 is important for metabolism. As soon as the body converts fatty acids or glucose into energy, for example, it needs vitamin B2 for this purpose, which is not only called riboflavin, but also lactoflavin. It also plays a role for certain proteins in the lens of the eyes.

Vitamin B2 belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. In food, it occurs both as riboflavin bound to proteins and as unbound riboflavin.

Which foods contain riboflavin?

Vitamin B2 is found primarily in dairy and whole grain products, fish, meat, yeast and in various vegetables such as kale and broccoli.

It is important to ensure the daily requirement of riboflavin. The recommended amount per day for adults is between 1 and 1.4 milligrams. However, the amount varies depending on different factors. Basically, men need to take in more vitamin B2 than women. The latter’s requirement increases during pregnancy and lactation.

However, it is not so easy to cover the recommended amount of riboflavin per day by certain foods. Therefore, you should eat different foods, for example, fish or meat up to twice a week. Every day you should eat milk and whole grain products. Low-fat milk is recommended here. In addition, whole-grain bread and oatmeal are good for meeting the need for vitamin B2. Yeast is also one of the foods that contain riboflavin.

Vitamin B2 can survive heat almost completely. However, it decomposes rapidly when exposed to light. Therefore, foods containing vitamin B2 should be stored in the dark. Since riboflavin is water-soluble, it passes into the cooking water. Therefore, you can reuse it to prepare other dishes.

When there is a deficiency of vitamin B2

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B2, it is likely that there is also a deficiency of other vitamins. However, a deficiency of vitamin B2 is quite rare. It is possible with a strict vegan diet or with excessive alcohol consumption.

What are the symptoms of a deficiency? Cracks can form at the corners of the mouth or the oral mucosa can become inflamed. Furthermore, infectious changes of the skin develop. However, as mentioned, such a deficiency is very rare. If it occurs, it may be due to taking certain medications or alcohol abuse. Then the absorption of important minerals and vitamins by the intestinal mucosa may no longer be present in sufficient form.

Other reasons for a vitamin B2 deficiency can be damage to or surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract or changes in the mucous membrane can be the result.

What is the intake of riboflavin per day in corresponding age groups?

Infants up to four months of age should consume 0.3 milligrams, and infants between four and twelve months of age need 0.4 milligrams of vitamin B2 daily.

Children between one and four years of age should consume 0.7 milligrams, and up to seven years of age 0.8 milligrams of riboflavin. For girls from seven to ten years, the recommended daily dose is 0.9 milligrams, from ten to thirteen years, 1.0 milligrams, and from thirteen to fifteen years, 1.1 milligrams.

Boys from seven to ten years of age should consume 1.0 milligrams of vitamin B2, from ten to thirteen years of age 1.1 milligrams, and from thirteen to fifteen years of age 1.4 milligrams daily.

The daily amount for female adults up to 19 years of age is 1.2 milligrams, and between 19 and 51 years of age is 1.1 milligrams. From 51 years of age, the recommended daily dose for females is 1.0 milligrams. Male adults up to 19 years of age should consume 1.6 milligrams of riboflavin per day, and 1.4 milligrams between 19 and 51 years of age. From 51 years of age, the recommended daily dose is 1.3 milligrams.

During pregnancy and lactation, the requirement is increased in women. Up to the second trimester it is 1.3 milligrams, and in the third trimester it is 1.4 milligrams. Breastfeeding women should take 1.4 milligrams of vitamin B2 daily.

If a deficiency occurs, the cause should be clarified and counteracted. Sometimes, however, it is not enough to change the diet accordingly. Therefore, a dietary supplement with vitamin B2 can be useful. For example, with the Vitality Shot from the store, which also contains this vitamin, among other things.

Can an overdose with vitamin B2 occur?

In principle, an overdose with vitamin B2 is not possible, so that no problems can arise from the diet with riboflavin-containing foods. In case of high physical activity, after operations or serious illnesses as well as when taking various medications, the administration of vitamin B2 may be increasingly necessary.

You can cover the recommended daily dose for an adult, for example, by eating about 200 milligrams of kale or 500 milliliters of milk.

Why does the human body need riboflavin?

Riboflavin is one of the water-soluble vitamins of the B group. The vitamin is involved in various reactions in our body. In the body it is transformed into a coenzyme. This coenzyme favors enzymes in various metabolic processes, for example in the production of protein building blocks or energy production. In addition, vitamin B2 participates in the metabolism of other vitamins of the same group, namely niacin, folate and pyridoxine.

Riboflavin also supports vitamin B6 and niacin in their tasks in our body.

Vitality Shot – a preparation with different vitamins

Are you looking for a multivitamin preparation? Then you should take a look at Vitality Shot and find out about its ingredients. In addition to vitamins, it also contains trace elements and minerals that can support the body in its daily work.

It is especially important to have a well-balanced diet with all the substances we need to stay healthy. This also includes vitamin B2.

Find out now in the store about Vitality Shot and other dietary supplements with vitamins. Order Vitality Shot if you are interested in vitamin B2.

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