
Individual species are called mugwort, wormwood, turmeric or rue. This species-rich genus includes 250 to 500 species, which mainly occur in temperate zones. Almost all types Artemisia have its spread-areas on the northern hemisphere in North America and Eurasia. Only few species are found in South America and Africa.

Vegetative characteristics

Depending on the type, they reach growth heights of 3 to 350 centimetres.

Generative characteristics

The anthers usually have lanceolate appendages at the tip. The legs of the styluses often protrude from the female marginal flowers. The achenes are cylindrical or compressed and have no strong ribs, often more or less mucous.

Efficacy of Artemisia against malaria and plasmodia

Plasmodia, the pathogen of malaria, are unicellular parasites which, unlike bacteria, have a cell nucleus. They are unable to develop resistance to a volley of several substances administered simultaneously, but they are resistant to monosubstances.

The effectiveness

The effectiveness of Artemisia annua against malaria is proven worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people who have been cured by this plant extract of malaria alone.

No resistance when taking the unprocessed  plant

It is important to know that when using the plant Artemisia annua, no known resistances have occurred worldwide and probably will not occur due to the biological interaction of 10 different ingredients. The clinical cure rate for malaria is 90-95%, whereby the plasmodium often remains in the blood without symptoms, but the patient is still healthy.

efficacy against inflammation

The plant Artemisia annua has been very well researched. 245 different active ingredients have already been isolated and detected, including numerous anti-inflammatory polyphenols in addition to the main active ingredient artemisin.

Efficacy  against cancer

Further observations have been made on the use of Artemisia annua in malaria patients. These malaria patients were people who also suffered from other serious diseases such as cancer or AIDS. Surprisingly, these diseases have also improved significantly under treatment with Artemisia annua.

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