Normal Functioning of the Blood Vessels

Normal functioning of the blood vessels

A blood vessel is tubular tissue consisting of at least one layer of wall.

Blood vessels and circulationAll blood vessels together with the heart form the physiological structure and basis for blood circulation.


The aorta is a large blood vessel that originates directly from the heart. It is responsible for transporting the blood from the left ventricle to the blood vessels.


Describes all blood vessels that act peripherally and transport oxygen-rich blood away from the heart.


In the vascular system they represent the transition from the arteries to the capillary gland. They’re behind the arteries and in front of the capillaries.


Blood capillaries connect the arterial and venous vascular systems. They represent the finest branches of veins and arteries. They can be divided into lymph, blood and air capillaries.


They carry the blood circulating in the body around the heart. For an adult, this corresponds to about seven thousand litres transported daily. Except for pulmonary veins, all veins carry venous blood. Together with the capillaries and venules, they are part of the low pressure system of the blood circulation.


Venules, the smallest veins, describe the finest blood vessels of the blood circulation, which are still visible to the naked eye. This can be seen, for example, on the sclera of the eyes in the form of fine vascular drawings. Normal function of blood vessels

hollow veins

They describe two large veins that transport venous blood from the body back to the right atrium. There is the upper vena cava, which drains the blood of all structures above the diaphragm. The same applies to the lower vena cava, which drains blood to areas below the diaphragm. Normal function of blood vessels

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