
What is Q10? How coenzyme Q10 works in our body

Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of Q10 and how important these enzymes are for the body. It also strengthens the heart and nerves, delays the aging process of the skin and can even increase fat burning.

Coenzyme Q10 cells

One year later, his colleague, the US biochemist Karl August Folkers, succeeded in clarifying the chemical structure of the coenzyme. Today, a lot is known about the versatile all-rounder in human cells. Coenzyme Q10, also known as vitamin Q10 or ubiquinone, is an endogenous substance that is partly absorbed through food, but is also produced by the body itself. It is found in all cells of the human body.

How is the body supplied with Q10?

As a rule, humans have about 0.5 to 2 g Q10 in their own bodies. In addition, 5 to 10 mg of the coenzyme are ingested daily through food. It is particularly rich in meat, fish, nuts, pulses, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, cabbage, onions, potatoes, spinach, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. However, excessive heating during cooking can destroy the coenzyme.

Since the body is able to take Q10 from food, but can also produce it itself, the organism normally has a sufficient quantity of Q10 at its disposal. An additional intake of the coenzyme is therefore recommended. Factors such as poor diet, alcohol or cigarettes also lead to reduced Q10 production in the body. Q10 capsules can counteract these factors and have been shown to increase concentration in the body.

Q10 Effect

Products such as anti-aging creams, special body lotions or body balm with Q10 have earned the coenzyme a good reputation as an anti-wrinkle agent. As a dietary supplement, especially in the form of capsules, it prevents skin ageing from the inside out and strengthens the heart, nerves and the immune system.

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