Reduction of Fatigue

Reduction of Fatigue

Reducing fatigue – what to do?

There are often different causes behind fatigue.

Normally we feel tired after physical or mental exertion. Healthy sleep and sufficient rest breaks usually allow the body to recover and this leads to a reduction in fatigue. However, if fatigue and exhaustion cannot be explained by special effort or sleep deprivation, these symptoms can also be a warning signal from the body. Permanent exhaustion or tiredness should always be taken seriously.

Stress as a cause of fatigue
When resources are exhausted, we fall into a deep energy hole. We eat quick snacks, ready meals and fast food in a hurry, either standing or on the road. Reduction of Fatigue

In order to reduce fatigue and exhaustion one should pay attention to the correct nutrition.

Recent studies even suggest seven or more portions of vegetables and fruits. But most people actually only make two portions on average.

Fatigue due to lack of nutrients
If the body has too little iron available, only little oxygen can be bound. Panthothenic acid is a vitamin and belongs to the group of B vitamins. Deficiency symptoms can occur with diets, elderly people, chronic liver diseases and high alcohol consumption. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements rarely work alone, but often need each other to be properly metabolized in the organism. For example, vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. Zinc and selenium together with vitamins B2, vitamin C and vitamin E protect the cells from oxidative stress. Therefore, the level of vital substances should always be raised as wide as possible – not least to avoid imbalances. Reduction of Fatigue

Preventing states of exhaustion: When our body has to actively defend itself against something – for example against viruses and bacteria – we feel tired and exhausted.

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