
These are organic compounds that the organism does not need as energy sources, but for other vital functions, which the metabolism cannot synthesize to meet its needs. Vitamins must be taken in with food, they are essential substances. Plants do not need any of these, they can synthesize all the organic substances they need themselves.

They are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble groups. Chemically forming is not a uniform group of substances. Since the vitamins are quite complex organic molecules, they do not occur in inanimate nature. Vitamins must first be produced by plants, bacteria or animals.
Of these, 11 cannot be synthesized in any way by the organism itself. Cholecalciferol can be produced by the body itself, provided there is sufficient sun exposure. Self-synthesis also exists for niacin, which can be produced from the amino acid tryptophan. The necessary intake of niacin depends on the amount of protein added and is thus influenced by dietary habits.

Task and function
Their task is to regulate the utilisation of carbohydrates, proteins and minerals, to break down or convert them and thus also to generate energy. Vitamins strengthen the immune system and are indispensable for building cells, blood cells, bones and teeth. The vitamins differ in their effects.

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